Similar words: commencement, stand on ceremony, retirement community, ceremony, wedding ceremony, marriage ceremony, commence, religious ceremony. Meaning: n. an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred.
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1. The commencement ceremony affirms each student's search for knowledge.
2. After the commencement ceremony of WTCCZ, our reporter interviewed Ms.
3. Following the commencement ceremony of the university, diploma ceremonies were held in colleges and schools.
4. Jerry Falwell is remembered in a commencement ceremony at [ Liberty University ] which he founded.
5. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.
More similar words: commencement, stand on ceremony, retirement community, ceremony, wedding ceremony, marriage ceremony, commence, religious ceremony, unceremonious, recommence, unceremoniously, ceremonial dance, enhancement, advancement, denouncement, announcement, pronouncement, ceremonial, reserve requirement, ceremonious, reserve requirements, cement, ceremoniously, comment, cementum, enticement, comments, placement, commenter, comment on.